
Directions to Our Office

To view a map to our office, just click here or here.  Scroll down on this page for directions. If you need additional directions, please don’t hesitate to call!

Kohn Rath Law is located in a c. 1840 parsonage with brown, natural wood clapboard siding and a blue sign in front. There is ample parking in the rear lot behind the building. Our building is handicapped accessible.

  • From Interstate 89, whether traveling north or south: Take Exit 12. From the exit, turn left if you are coming from the south, and turn right if you are coming from the north. Head south on Route 2A for five miles until Route 2A ends at the intersection with Route 116. Turn left (south) onto Route 116 (Rocky Ridge Golf Course is across from the intersection), and follow 116 three miles into Hinesburg. Pass the traffic light at the entrance to Hinesburg village; in less than a mile you will come to Kohn Rath, which is the third building south of Lantman’s market, on the left.
  • From the North- (Burlington): Take Route 2 (Williston Road) east past UVM and the Interstate ramps to the intersection with Hinesburg Road (also called Route 116); this intersection is the third set of lights after UVM and the Interstate ramps. There is a Mobil station at the northwest corner of this intersection, and Gracey’s store is at the southeast corner. Turn right onto Hinesburg Road. Follow the road about ten miles into the Town of Hinesburg. Pass the traffic light at the entrance to Hinesburg village; in less than a mile, you will come to Kohn Rath, which is the third building south of Lantman’s market, on the left.
  • From the South- (Middlebury, Bristol) : Follow Route 116 to Hinesburg. The Kohn Rath Law building will be on your right as you enter the center of town.
  • From the East- (Taft Corners, Williston): Take Route 2A south for five miles until Route 2A ends at the intersection with Route 116. Turn left (south) onto Route 116 (Rocky Ridge Golf Course is across from the intersection), and follow 116 three miles into Hinesburg. Pass the traffic light at the entrance to Hinesburg village; in less than a mile you will come to Kohn Rath, which is the third building south of Lantman’s market, on the left.
  • From the West- (Vergennes): Take the Monkton Road from either downtown or from Route 7. At Monkton Ridge Road, turn left (north) onto Monkton Ridge and Silver Street. In five miles, Silver Street intersects with Route 116. Proceed straight –– the Kohn Rath Law  building is 150 yards after the intersection on the right.
  • From the West- (Charlotte): Take the Charlotte-Hinesburg Road east to the intersection with Route 116 at Lantman’s store. Turn right –– the Kohn Rath  building is immediately on your left.
  • From the West- (Shelburne): Take the Falls Road to the Intersection with Route 116 at Ballard’s Corner. Turn right onto Route 116 and travel through Hinesburg village less than a mile. The Kohn Rath building is on your left, three buildings south of Lantman’s market. back to top

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